iPhone 5 Part Suggests Sliding Cover?
A 30-pin dock connector cable which claims to be a prototype part for Apple’s iPhone 5 has surfaced on the web once again. Along with it come fresh rumors and details of a sliding screen cover that could suggest a hardware keyboard. Which we’ve already had a rumor about before
These latest rumors come fresh from w.apple.pro who posted a photo they claim is from the iPhone 5. What it appears to be is a 30-pin dock connector and the ribbon used to attach it inside of Apple’s handset. It’s labeled 821-1300-02 HF/c1.

You’ll need to translate the page to make any sense of it but it claims that reports of the 4 inch edge-edge screen that we’ve had to date are fake. This would also contradict the iPhone 5 part showing a 4 inch screen we came across
Instead, they claim the iPhone 5 will have a “sliding cover” and will have the same frame shape as the current iPhone 4, but will be “slightly thicker” than the current gen iPhone.
While the translation does not specifically indicate a sliding cover would involve a physical keyboard, it’s hard to see what else it could be.
It’s unlike Apple to want to include more buttons on their devices so I struggle to believe this one.
On the other hand, apple.pro have been accurate in the past with their Apple parts. The correctly had the new screen for the iPod nano before it was announced, along with the iPhone 4 battery, white cover as well as new Macbook bodies, so they could have something here.
Hmm what do you guys think a sliding cover could be? A keyboard?
Let us know below
These latest rumors come fresh from w.apple.pro who posted a photo they claim is from the iPhone 5. What it appears to be is a 30-pin dock connector and the ribbon used to attach it inside of Apple’s handset. It’s labeled 821-1300-02 HF/c1.
You’ll need to translate the page to make any sense of it but it claims that reports of the 4 inch edge-edge screen that we’ve had to date are fake. This would also contradict the iPhone 5 part showing a 4 inch screen we came across
Instead, they claim the iPhone 5 will have a “sliding cover” and will have the same frame shape as the current iPhone 4, but will be “slightly thicker” than the current gen iPhone.
While the translation does not specifically indicate a sliding cover would involve a physical keyboard, it’s hard to see what else it could be.
It’s unlike Apple to want to include more buttons on their devices so I struggle to believe this one.
On the other hand, apple.pro have been accurate in the past with their Apple parts. The correctly had the new screen for the iPod nano before it was announced, along with the iPhone 4 battery, white cover as well as new Macbook bodies, so they could have something here.
Hmm what do you guys think a sliding cover could be? A keyboard?
Let us know below
iPhone 5 Delayed? I Doubt It…
He was citing information from chip and component suppliers, who said they had not received any definite orders.
However these rumors have been squashed fairly quickly. According to The Loop‘s Jim Dalrymple, these claims are simply untrue. While he is careful to note that he has no idea when the iPhone 5 is to be released, he says that the claims that Apple are experiencing delays are false and that everything is on track.
From what I’ve heard this morning both products are on schedule and will ship when they are supposed to. Only Apple knows exactly when that will be, but the products are not delayedAnd now Reuters have chipped in for what it’s worth to say that the delays are not true.
I find it somewhat amusing how these analyst can go and say that a product is delayed, before it’s even been announced. As usual, I think we can take these analyst’s with a pinch of salt, and be fairly sure that the iPhone 5 will be announced this summer as per usual.
iPhone 5 Coming Summer “At Earliest”
Some gossip going on among the Apple supply chain has added Foxconn Electronics, Foxlink, Gold Circuit Electronics (GCE) and Epistar as component suppliers for the iPhone 5 smartphone, scheduled for launch during summer at the earliest, according to a Chinese-language Economic Daily News (EDN) report.
It’s also said that Foxconn are Apple’s new earphone suppliers as well, the previous supplier Japan’s Foster losing out because of the strengthening Yen as Apple are looking to reduce their costs.
The rumors suggest that there are a couple of different suppliers on board with Apple now, but this shouldn’t really affect what the iPhone 5 will turn out, I’d imagine it’s just Apple looking to reduce costs and increase their already rather larger profit margin.
Iphone 5 Release Date
I am optimistic about the new iphone 5 as the iphone 4 hasnt been out very long . Reports claim that the new iphone 5 will cost wont change it should be around the same price tag as the previous iphones.Claims also suggest it could be out even sooner then we think because of the previous iphone antenna problem with the left handed person.
The iPhone 5 isn’t the Verizon iPhone, and vice versa
The Verizon iPhone rumour has been around forever, and one day it’ll come true – but it won’t be the iPhone 5. The Wall Street Journal said a Verizon iPhone was nearly ready back in October, and we’d take that one seriously: the WSJ is the paper Apple tends to share its secrets with.
It says that “the [Verizon] phone would resemble the iPhone 4 currently sold by AT&T, but would be based on an alternative wireless technology used by Verizon, these people said.” Which people? “People familiar with the matter
More rumours and info comming soon about the iphone 5 book mark the site to keep up with the gossip.
Lets hope you not one of those people who have got a 2 year contract instead of the 12 month contract
iPhone Nano to be released alongside the iPhone 5g
A set of new design sketches for the iPhone 5 have recently been leaked, apparantly by an employee at Foxconn, parts manufacturer. I first saw these sketches over at Apple Pro, a Taiwan based blog where a lot of apple leaks have been posted over the years and quite often they are very accurate, however we obviously can’t confirm anything yet and also I’ve made note of the fact that a lot of the big apple blogs still have these iPhone 5 images up, which means Apple haven’t made them take them down which could indicate these are official. Either way it gives more evidence that the new iPhone5 will have an Antenna fix and definitely a slimmer design. I’m keeping my eyes peeled though for more iPhone 5 leaks leading up to the release date of the iPhone 5
iPhone5g leaked sketches design
Iphone 5 2011 to feature ‘NFC’ support
‘Cult of Mac’ have reported that the NFC chip is expected to be built in the new iPhone 5, but as well as using the chip for payment methods, they have reported that Apple have plans to use it as a way of storing a Mac users settings and simply transferring them to another Mac computer with a simple gesture.
“For example, an NFC iPhone will allow users to carry a lot of their desktop data and settings with them, and load that data on to a compatible Mac,” Reported by Cult of Mac.
““If users wave an NFC-equipped iPhone and an NFC-equipped Mac, the Mac will load all their applications, settings and data. It will be as though they are sitting at their own machine at home or work. When the user leaves, and the NFC-equipped iPhone is out of range, the host machine returns to its previous state.”.
This brings a huge new feature to the table for the iPhone 5 and means you can essentially turn any Mac computer into your home set up, allowing you to import applications and settings extremely simply.
The Best iPhone 5 Concept Designs
Leading up to release of the iPhone 5G we are all wondering what the new iPhone 5g is going to look like, and many talented designers have come up with some concept designs of the new iPhone 5G. I’ve spent a lot of time looking through the various iPhone 5 concepts and have selected a few of my favourites for you to check out.
iphone 5g concept design 1
iphone 5 concept design 2
iphone 5 concept design 4
iPhone 5 Concept Design (Fake)
Plans for Slimmer iPhone… Possibly iPhone 5
The current iPhone 4 model is just 9.9mm thick so it looks like Apple are trying to keep at the top spot for the top/one of the top slimmest Smart Phones on the market.
“The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office this week revealed a new patent application from Apple entitled “Touch Sensing Device Having Conductive Nodes.” First discovered by AppleInsider, it describes a new method to create a capacitive touchscreen or panel, which could allow for thinner devices.
Apple’s application notes that capacitive sensing technology works well in existing devices, but improvements can still be made. In addition to creating thinner versions of products like the iPhone and iPad, Apple’s proposed invention is said to also allow for power savings, potentially granting portable devices a longer battery life.
“In many cases, the size of a portable electronic device can be limited by the size of the operational components used therein…” the application reads. “As such, there can be a desire to make these operational components smaller, thinner, more cost effective, and more power efficient, while maintaining or increasing their functionality to perform operations.”
Apple’s proposed invention would have conductive nodes placed on a surface opposite a touch panel or display. The two surfaces would be in close proximity, which would allow conductive electrodes and conductive nodes to sense fingertips on the touchable surface.”
The iPhone 5 is not the Verizon iPhone
iPhone 5 to pull disappearing act this Wednesday at iPad 2 event
Depending on whom you choose to believe, the iPad 2 will go on sale within weeks, days, or even hours after it’s formally introduced by Apple representatives this week. But the iPhone 5 is, again, depending on what you want to believe, either a summer or fall product. This is still technically (and temperaturally, for that matter) the winter. For added emphasis on just how much Apple doesn’t want the public thinking about the iPhone 5 right now, consider that the Verizon iPhone 4 just launched this month. Apple wants you buying it now, or its AT&T counterpart – not waiting for the end of the iPhone 4 era to come.
So where does the hocus pocus come in? While the thrust of the March 2nd event will be the iPad 2, Apple may use the event as an early launching pad for its next generation iOS 5 operating system. While the iPad 2 is more likely to ship with the ready-for-release iOS 4.3 instead, third party iPad and iPhone app developers need a heads up in advance so they can start working on taking advantage of its major next-gen features while developing their upcoming app titles. By showing off the headlining highlights of iOS 5 now, Apple gets them out there with plenty of advance notice. But what Apple will conveniently fail to mention is that iOS 5 will launch alongside the iPhone 5 and will in some respects be specifically designed for it.
In any case, don’t expect anything with the number “5″ in it to take up more than a few minutes of what will otherwise be a showcase for Apple’s iPad 2 and perhaps it’s accompanying iOS 4.3. And when the number 5 does pop up, don’t expect it to be preceded by the word “iPhone.” Here’s more on the iPhone 5. Here’s more on the iPad 2.
Forget iPhone 5: five reasons to go Verizon iPhone 4 now, summer be damned
Unknown: What exactly are you waiting for? Do you really know anything about the iPhone 5? We don’t. You’re waiting for a future product whose unknown new specs and features may not offer anything you personally want or need.
Verizon: You’ve been waiting since 2007 for a Verizon iPhone. You have it now. You can buy it today. Now, after years of waiting, you’re going to get picky and say you don’t want a Verizon iPhone until it’s the Verizon iPhone 5?
Release date: We think the iPhone 5 is coming this summer. You do too. But what if Apple changes course and doesn’t release it until the start of the 2011 holiday season? You’ve decided you can wait four months, but how about ten months?
Mean time: And just what are you using in the mean time, anyway, as you sit around waiting for the iPhone 5? That lame Verizon Droid you never really wanted? Or a generic flip phone which is falling apart but you’ve been clinging to it for years anyway as you waited for the Verizon iPhone to arrive? You can keep playing that game, or you can get an iPhone on Verizon today.
Both ways: With upgrade pricing being what it is, it may ultimately not be cheap to buy a Verizon iPhone 4 now and then turn around and buy a non-fully-subsidized Verizon iPhone 5 this summer. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. In fact when the time comes, you should be able to sell your iPhone 4 to your idiot brother in law (or really, to anyone with an eBay account) for enough money to cover the extra you’ll have to pay to dance around the upgrade pricing violation. In other words, unless you’re cash strapped, buying a Verizon iPhone 4 now doesn’t mean you can’t also buy an iPhone 5 later
iPhone 5 issues include pricing, screen size, color and more
Pricing: While the iPhone has long sold at $200 and $300 with the previous iPhone model sticking around at $100, the iPhone 5 feels like a great candidate for that to change. The competing Android platform has largely begun using price (free, nearly free, buy one get one free) as a weapon. Apple has typically been able to get consumers to pay modestly more money for what it feels is a significantly better product. But old habits die hard, and many consumers still recall the days of being able to get nearly any phone for free with contract back in the pre-smartphone era. If AT&T is already advertising the iPhone 3GS at $49 in an attempt to combat the free smartphone trend, then Apple may need to re-think phone pricing altogether when it comes to the iPhone 5 era.
Screen size: Some of the iPhone’s competitors have larger screens, which in and of itself is not enough of a reason for the iPhone 5 to do the same. The question is just what would be gained in the process. The logical assumption is that the next iPhone would see its screen grow to consume the entire height of the iPhone 5. But for that to happen and for pixel ratio to remain the same, the device would also need to become wider (otherwise apps and such wouldn’t be able to do anything with the extra screen height). So either we’re looking at a fundamental re-imagining of the iPhone’s dimensions, or else the extra height would simply be for the purpose of allowing the iOS Dock to remain visible at all times.
Color: forget the mere specter of a white iPhone 5. Back in the day, Apple offered five colors of iMac computers and still offers too many iPod nano and shuffle color choices to keep track of. If Apple is really looking to shake up the smartphone market, it’ll cease aiming for the status quo with black and white options, and instead unleash a rainbow of iPhone color options.
iPhone 5 has A5 and iOS 5 as aces up sleeve, hardware features aside
The reason is simple, and actually does come back to hardware. The iPhone 4 was the first iPhone to use Apple’s own in-house processor, the A4. Suffice it to say that iOS 4 was designed for it (the iPad 1 also runs on the same A4 processor). Attempts at running iOS 4 on older, pre-A4 iPhones have been mixed. Some features are missing by design, and as iPhone 3G users learned in particular, iOS 4 was designed to run on an iPhone with a high speed, low power processor. As such, iOS 4 left older iPhones running slow, running physically hot, and lot seeing much battery life. Attempts were made to rectify the situation with iOS 4.1 and 4.2, but it became clear that running Apple’s latest version of iOS was meant to be done on the latest iPhone, for reasons relating as much to practicality as to salesmanship.
So what does this have to do with the iPhone 5? Assuming it adopts Apple’s next generation A5, and assuming iOS 5 is once again designed with the latest processor in mind, users could once again be facing a situation in which iOS 5 on an older iPhone such as the iPhone 4 is a slow, feature-omitted second rate experience compared to what iOS 5 will ultimately offer on the iPhone 5.
There are a lot of assumptions in there, a lot questions, things Apple may not yet even have finalized yet. But for those thinking “I’ll just buy an iPhone 4 and stick iOS 5 on it when that comes out and it’ll be just like I have an iPhone 5,” the way in which 2010 played out for users of discontinued iPhone hardware models may give users reason to think twice about any such assumptions of their own.
Verizon iPhone 5 LTE coming, majority of Verizon iPhone 4 sales online
The reason is simple, and actually does come back to hardware. The iPhone 4 was the first iPhone to use Apple’s own in-house processor, the A4. Suffice it to say that iOS 4 was designed for it (the iPad 1 also runs on the same A4 processor). Attempts at running iOS 4 on older, pre-A4 iPhones have been mixed. Some features are missing by design, and as iPhone 3G users learned in particular, iOS 4 was designed to run on an iPhone with a high speed, low power processor. As such, iOS 4 left older iPhones running slow, running physically hot, and lot seeing much battery life. Attempts were made to rectify the situation with iOS 4.1 and 4.2, but it became clear that running Apple’s latest version of iOS was meant to be done on the latest iPhone, for reasons relating as much to practicality as to salesmanship.
So what does this have to do with the iPhone 5? Assuming it adopts Apple’s next generation A5, and assuming iOS 5 is once again designed with the latest processor in mind, users could once again be facing a situation in which iOS 5 on an older iPhone such as the iPhone 4 is a slow, feature-omitted second rate experience compared to what iOS 5 will ultimately offer on the iPhone 5.
There are a lot of assumptions in there, a lot questions, things Apple may not yet even have finalized yet. But for those thinking “I’ll just buy an iPhone 4 and stick iOS 5 on it when that comes out and it’ll be just like I have an iPhone 5,” the way in which 2010 played out for users of discontinued iPhone hardware models may give users reason to think twice about any such assumptions of their own.
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